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this blog is run by a panda by day and an owl by night basically the site is all about wanna makes a person happy . i love you ! thankyou :*

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Happy Birthday to you

its comes again x) thanks thanks thanks xD

hei hney nd bie :) today is my special day ! teheeee , 
so on today i'm fifteen already ! yes more mature . hope so . :D

so , i wanna wish .. 
may ALLAH bless me always .
 May life lead me to great happiness .
success , always be healthy and hope that 
all my wishes comes true !
enjoy your day EIN x)

thanks (honeybiebabelovermomdadfriend) for the wish . I'm pleasure with its (!) teheeee :D 
i hope this day will be the happy day nd lucky day in ur life nd also me :) 
lufiyuuu more than much babe x* 
awsome day in my life <3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY NUR FARAHIN :) 

#happy bufday to me 
happy bufday to , happy bufday to me ! lalalala :D 


RANDY PANGALILA (my hero) lol <3
  today is his birthday.

 I am a beloved fan wishes u a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)
                                                may life lead u to  a great happiness !
                                                            nd hope that success ...
                                          All ur Wishes comes true! x)enjoy your day dear :*
                     happy birthday 2 u 
u were born in d zoo’
 u were born in d zoo’

                      with d monkeys
‘n donkeys dats looks just like u!

miahaha :D may god bless u RANDY :*
have a nice day honey <3

how many calories in a donut
ebuu ohh ebuu ! yang ein syggii <3 hehe :D 
yg tercantekk sekalyy :* 
`ein nak DONUT nih bole ? bole laa bole laa ! :'|
lapar giler sioooootttt ,, 
nafsuu dah berbuak buak dah nii :) nenenenne :P
nak donut nii :/ nak melantak sorgg-II . 
gerammnyerrrr . nak menatapp donut nih lame-lame laa !
mane tawuu bole keluar kee kat lapyy nii kan ? teroz masok mulott !
nyammmm x))) bubyee <3 

Tuesday 18 October 2011

hai asalamualaikum ! 

sihat ? alhamdullilah :) ein pong sihat .. :P

tadikan SMKTD3 buad lawatan tau , kami pergi melawat ke BALAI BOMBA Johor Jaya :) 
boleh laa boleh laa . best jugaa laa . bb ein dpt naik atas jentera dea uh kann .. 
haha , jakunn giler bagai time naik tuhh ! hoho . who care ? lol ..
then then .. orgg bomba tuu dea keluar kan ularr (ular sawa) kudd . :'| sumpah gelii .
tapi akuu pegang jugaa ! hehe . nvermind . 
yang nak bedekahnyerr . ular tuu mkn coklatt lewww ! hahaha :D
hebat kan ? bole jadi geng mcm tuu ! haha . 
lepas tuu kami punn surveyy laa balai bombaa tuu . photoshot sane sini sinun ! 
sapaii laa pukul 11 lbih kudd . then , balekk :DD sumpah perot dah lapar giler bagai . 
dah tak bole nak tahan daa ! bunyi bunyi .. grrrrrr ! hehe . sampai jea sch terox pegi kanteen .
melantak ! tp ttp xkenyang ! bg ein , tuu cume alas perot jee . MMG MMG , ein mmg kuat mkn . lol :)
nak buad mcm mane ?  masalah tak bole kawal nafsu ! hikhok :P
then , masox kelas ..... lalalala ! ein main ceper dgn rakan rakan yg lain ! hehe . 
sape leading ? jgn taye laa . yg petingg ! bukann ein laa . haha :D ahusann always ! :D 
mmg champion dea nii . ape punn bagi jea dekat dea . susaa nak dikalahkan ! ... hoho :)
loceng bunyi . ein pun balekk ! bla bla bla .. (HIDUP YANG TAK MENYERONOKKAN) !
btw,tadi form 3 dah pun pulang buku teks buku teks bagaii ! alhamdullilah . semuanya complete ! hehe . 
first time siooootttttt ! biasenyer tak mcm nih , lol ! tp tp . kene byr RM 1 sbb tak sampul buku teks :D
saje jea nak sedekah . hehe :) balekk-II terox pakse ebu pegi mkn ! sumpah lapar gile :D
ebu suro siapp . lalalala :D dah siap . turun bawah , tgukk ebu sedang SLEEP :) hmm . xsmpai hati nak kejot lewww :) sbb ebu baru balek keje sbnarnye :) smlm dea keje shif mlm .. so pagii tuu baru balek :)
then , ein punn naik atas balik :D pade mulenyer nak biaa kan ebu tido dulu .. 30 MINIT pun jadi leww kan ? ein pun onl laa . hehe (wajib) tibe tibe (!) suddenly (!) ...... ein ter SLEEP ! dgnn nyenyakknye .
zZzZzZzzzz :OOooOOo <penad sgad nihh !! hik hik :P
pukul 6:15 baru sedarkan diri ! ter bangun pun disebbkan xselesa . perot dah meraung !
 WARNING WARNING ! <-- siren perod yg lapar ! (magic) *lalala ...
bangun-II teroz mkn :) hehehe . lapar laa gilee ! sebaik bgun awal siket sblom NADA CINTA start .. hehe :D
wajib tayanngg tuu . LOL :P then then , mandii solat dan onl kembali :DDD 
sampai laa kini yg hampir pukul 3:30 pg :DD (!)
phone ein xcharge punn dri siang tadi . mlaz laa :) sbb ein tawu takde function nyee ! 
20 hb nii . sch buad lawatan lagii ! pegii zoo . okeyy laa . dpt jupe kwn lame ! lol 
hahaha . mcm ape laa kan lawatan ? hmm . pegi laa US kee ? SUNWAY kee ? camp ? kayy jugaa ! nih ta . 
hmm , xpe laa kudd drpd dox kat sch tuu . mcm hapee tah ! bosann . noob (!)
kayy laa awoxx awoxx ! ein daa ngntox laa . nd dah tak tawuu nak ckp ape :) 
naty ein update lagi k ? selamat mlm pagi ! hehe . bubye :* lufiyuu so machhhh ! :D 

Words Of A Broken Lover
"The One N Only Time I Hated The Word Friends"
"When She Said Let Us B Only Friends

having the love of your life , breakup with you and say 'we can still be friend' is like your dog dying and your mom saying 'you can still keep it ! '

please tell me the same :/

I Softly whisper,"I love you” in your ear, 
and you say it back but I don't know
how you really feel deep in your heart.

I hope that you’re telling the truth when you say that you love me. 
Please tell me you feel the same?

everyday when I come home I'm very anxious to see your face.
Before I go to bed at night I hope to see your face or feel your touch. Please tell me you feel the same.

It would be very hard to live me life with out you in it.
I can't imagine living my life that way with you not in it 
If you left me right now there would be am empty place in my heart 
where you face would be.
Please tell me you feel the same? :/\/

rakyat jelata ^^